How to Clean/Maintain Your Electronic Air Cleaner    

1. Turn both the fan and power supply switches OFF and wait 15 seconds for high voltage to dissipate.

2. Open the cell access door and remove the collecting cells, ionizers, prefilters and after filters

3. If the cell plates are heavily coated it may be necessary to spray the cells with hot water to remove the excess contaminate before applying detergent. Allow excess water to drain off the cell before applying detergent.

4. Place the cell and ionizer in a tub and spray completely with DAX Detergent, allowing detergent to run down both sides of the plates and ionizing fins. Let sit for 5 minutes.

5. Rinse the cell well with hot water (140°F / 60°Cmaximum).

6. If dirt remains on plates, let the cell soak in hot soapy water for 30 minutes, then repeat the washing instructions listed above. Never use any instrument to clean the cell, as this may damage the ionizing wires or cell plates.

7. An alternate method to clean the cell and ionizer is to soak them in a tub of Dax for 10-15 minutes.

8. Spray the pre-filter and after filter with DAX Detergent and rinse well, applying water pressure against the air flow direction. This pushes contaminate out of the filter instead of forcing it through the filter.

9. To dry the cell and ionizer, tilt on a 45° angle against wall with the direction arrow pointing sideways. Allowto dry completely for at least 8 - 10 hours.

10. When the cells, ionizers, pre-filters and after filters are dry, install them back into the cabinet.

The arrow on the cell and ionizing section should point toward the blower. The spring contact should line up with the fibreboard on the back wall of the cabinet. Close the door. If the cells arc when the fan and power supply switches are turned on or if the performance indicator light does not come on, then the cells may still be wet. Allow more time for drying.

You can leave the cell and ionizer in the unit, turn the fan switch ON and leave the power supply switch turned OFF.

The cell plates are sharp. Handle with care. Take care not to damage the cell by hitting the cell plates. The cell plate spacing is critical for proper operation of the unit.
Avoid washing the cell or ionizer with a high pressure cleaner as this may cause damage to the cell plates.

Common Parts Ordered for Electronic Air Cleaners

Electronic Air Cleaners

Electronic air cleaners have two metal collector cells inside and two-thin aluminum mesh screens
The model number on an identification plate is either mounted on the outside of the cabinet or found on the back of the air cleaner door

Typical Maintenance Kits/Replacement Parts
Pre-filters (2 required)
Carbon filters (optional)
DAX Detergent (1 litre/32 ox bottle)
Combo kits (carbon plus DAX)
Humidifier filters

Converting from an Electronic Air Cleaner to Passive Media
If the power supply fails, in most cases the metal cells and pre-filters of the electronic air cleaner can be replaced with one single 4” or 5” inch thick media filter of the appropriate dimensions.

If you are unsure of the cabinet dimensions, align the cells on the floor as if they were installed in system and measure the height, depth, and thickness
If the old cells are missing, measure the inside openings of the air cleaner cabinet
If you still have pre-filters, measure them.

Important: To prevent serious injury, always turn the furnace or air handler off before attempting the above.

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