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Equipment Make & Model Part # Description *Unit Price
Aprilaire 550, 550A, 558 4217 Scale Control Insert 19.95  Buy Now
Aprilaire 550, 550A, 558 4793 Maintenance Kit, Contents Includes: AprilAire Water Panel 10, Scale Control Insert 4217, Water Distribution Tray 4218, Feed Tube And Compression Sleeve 4226, Yellow Orifice 4231, Drain Spud 4223 Nozzle 4184, Inline Strainer 4004 Owner's Manual 90.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 550, 558, 560, 600 4040 Solenoid Valve (24 Volt) No Returns Or Exchange. 99.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 550/558/560A &600 4223 Drain Spud 19.95  Buy Now
Aprilaire 560 4040 Solenoid Valve (24 Volt) No Returns Or Exchange. 99.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 560, 560A, 568 4837 Maintenance Kit, Contents Includes: Water Panel 10, Scale Control Insert, Water Distribution Tray, Feed Tube & Compression Sleeve, Orifice, Drain Spud, Nozzle, Inline Strainer, & Owners Manual. 90.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 560, 560A, 568 4277 Water Distribution Tray 45.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 560, 700, 700A, 700M, 760, 768 4236 Scale Control 25.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 560A,350,360,568,600A/M, 700A/M,760,768 35 Replacement Water Panel Measuring Approx. 10" X 13" X 1 1/2". Replace Once Per Heating Season (Hard Water More Frequently) 28.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 600, 500, 400 4335 Feed Tube Assembly W/Compression Fitting. 30.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 600, HCWB3-17 4331, X4200 Water Distribution Tray 45.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 600,600A 4330 Scale Control Insert 25.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 700/760/760A & 768 4235 Plastic Feed Tube And Nozzle 32.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 760 , HCWP3-18,18A, WB2-17, 17A, WP2-18, 18A, 4246, 21N38 Water Distribution Tray 75.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 760, 768 4040 Solenoid Valve (24 Volt) No Returns Or Exchange. 99.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 800,865 80LC Low Conductivity Steam Humidifier Canister. Replacement Time Is On Your Indicator Light (Red Indicates It Time To Change). High Mineral In Water Will Require Changing Canister Twice A Season. 216.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 800,865 80LC Low Conductivity Steam Humidifier Canister. Replacement Time Is On Your Indicator Light (Red Indicates It Time To Change). High Mineral In Water Will Require Changing Canister Twice A Season. 216.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 800,865 80 Steam Humidifier Canister. Replacement Time Is On Your Indicator Light (Red Indicates It Time To Change). High Mineral In Water Will Require Changing Canister Twice A Season. 216.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire 9803 16251,9803 2 Pack, Aluminum Mesh Filter (15 3/4" X 24 3/4" X 3/4") Wash Every 6 Months. No Returns Or Exchange. Special Order, 3-4 Week Delivery. 70.00  Buy Now
Aprilaire EZ Kleen 10101 2 Pack Aluminum Filter (10" X 10" X 1") No Returns, Special Order, (3-5 Week Delivery) 95.00  Buy Now
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* Unit Price is quantity discounted where applicable
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